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Rapid Recovery iCoaching

How Does Rapid Recovery iCoaching Work?


You can begin your Rapid Recovery journey right away with Rapid Recovery iCoaching. Once you have recovered, you can stay pain-free with Live Pain-Free and Achieve Optimum Health iCoaching program. Throughout each iCoaching program, you receive direct online feedback and coaching from Fred Amir so that you can stay on track, avoid mistakes that can delay your recovery, and live pain-free again.


1. Rapid Recovery from Back and Neck Pain


When you register for Rapid Recovery iCoaching, you will receive six online modules. Each module contains an audio, along with questions or instructions or both. Fred will personally review your answers and give you additional coaching tips to speed up your recovery. Here’s how it works:

Week One

You receive the following three modules:

1. Rapid Recovery from Back and Neck Pain which helps you to design your own Rapid Recovery plan.

2. The Three Biggest Recovery Mistakes to Avoid makes you aware of the mistakes that can delay

your recovery.

3. Relieve Physical and Mental Tension gives you a proven relaxation technique to relieve

pain through reducing muscle tension. Fred will guide you through this technique and explain when

to apply it for maximum effectiveness.


These three modules, combined with Fred’s support will put you on the fast track to rapid recovery.


Week Two

You can view the module Turn Problems into Energy and Excitement in Three Easy Steps. In this module Fred will show you how to do exactly that. You will be much happier, much healthier, and more resilient. This can help you stay pain-free and active, as well as conquer anxiety, depression, and pessimism.


Week Three

You can view the module The Three Sources of Massive Tension and Pain. This module explains the three mental patterns that create a massive amount of tension and pain. Unless you identify and deal with these constructively, you will always be tense and in pain.


Week Four

You can view the module Stop Negative Thoughts. Are you plagued with negative thoughts? Have you noticed how one negative thought leads to another and another to create tension and pain? How would you like to close the floodgate of negative thoughts so that you can be happier and healthier? In this module, Fred Amir will show you how to stop these negative thoughts in one simple step.


“Rapid Recovery from Back and Neck Pain is a truly effective, step-by-step guide to conquering chronic pain and returning to a fruitful life. It is both logical and easy to follow. I highly recommend it to all pain sufferers and to their doctors.” Parvez Fatteh, MD, board certified, physical medicine and rehabilitation, Castro Valley, California



The Rapid Recovery iCoaching is only two monthly payments of $149.99

and includes unlimited online coaching by Fred Amir


2. Live Pain-Free and Achieve Optimum Health

When you register for the Live Pain-Free and Achieve Optimum Health iCoaching program, you will receive six online modules. Each module contains an audio, along with questions or instructions or both. Fred will personally review your answers and give you additional coaching tips to help you achieve greater results.


Week One

You receive the following two modules:

1. Create a Compelling Future and Push Back Tension (part 1). In this module, Fred Amir takes you through a five-step process that will help you design a compelling future so that you push back stress and tension and live pain-free.

2. Create a Compelling Future and Push Back Tension (part 2). This module will show you an amazingly effective way to make your compelling future a reality and give you a powerful strategy to stay positive and present under any circumstance. These two steps can help you counter tension and stress anytime. Just imagine how your life and your health will change for the better once you do these every day.


Week Two

You can view the module Upgrade Your Mind’s Operating System. In this module, you learn how to Upgrade your mind’s operating system for a much happier and healthier mind and body. This can completely change your life.


You will also receive the module Create Your Own Protective Shield. How do you deal with putdowns? How about rejections or letdowns? Do you feel angry? Hurt? Helpless? This module shows you one simple strategy that can help you create a shield to deflect them and leave you feeling protected and safe.


Week Three

You can view the module Enjoy Super Self-Confidence. The more confident you are, the more resourceful you will be in dealing with life’s challenges while staying cool, calm, and confident. That’s a crucial component of staying pain-free, healthy, and productive. Fred will show you the three steps to achieving super self-confidence.


Week Four

You can view the module Stop Worrying in Three Easy Steps. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate your level of worrying? Most of Fred’s new clients rate it 8 or higher. In this podcast, you will discover three easy steps to eliminate this destructive mental habit.


“I found Live Pain-Free and Achieve Optimum Health very helpful. It gave me practical strategies that were simple and effective. I highly recommend it to anyone whether in pain or perfect health.” Richard Thomas, chartered structural engineer and company director, Winchester, UK



This iCoaching program is only two monthly payments of $149.99

and includes unlimited online coaching by Fred Amir

Back pian, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI, leg pain, knee pain, sciaitca, tension myosistis syndrome, numbness, tingling,
Back pian, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI, leg pain, knee pain, sciaitca, tension myosistis syndrome, numbness, tingling,
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