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Stroke: Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy and More

1. I have met several relatives of stroke patients who were not aware of constraint-induced movement therapy. This is a very effective therapy for stroke. Here's what the American Stroke Association says about it:

"Constraint-induced movement therapy (CI) forces the use of the affected side by restraining the unaffected side. With CI therapy, the therapist constrains the survivor's unaffected arm in a sling. The survivor then uses his or her affected arm repetitively and intensively for two weeks."

See it in action in this news report:

2. In some cases acupuncture, when applied soon after a stroke, can have dramatic results.

3. Another promising treatment is hyperberic oxygen therapy. "Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is a nondrug and noninvasive treatment, in some cases applied as the primary treatment modality, which has been widely used in clinical practice for many diseases and has led to satisfactory outcomes, especially in the areas of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. gas gangrene, and decomposition sickness."

4. A Florida clinic has achieved an amazing breakthrough in the treatment of stroke by administration of perispinal etanercept.

Perispinal etanercept is a drug used for the treatment of autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis. It can produce very rapid recovery from some debilitating effects of stroke, especially for cognition and speech. In this report by 60 Minutes, Australia, you will see how effective this treatment can be. I call it,

"Rapid Recovery from Stroke!"

5. For recovering stroke patients practicing yoga while sitting in a chair may help with flexibility, balance, and mobility. There are many instructional videos on YouTube that can be easily followed and benefit from. Here is one example:

Stay informed. Stay well.

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