Why You Hurt Where You Hurt!

In Rapid Recovery from Back and Neck: A Proven Nine-Step Recovery Plan I discuss the revolutionary discovery at New York University. I explain how repressed anger, rage, frustration, and intense negative emotions lead to reduction of blood flow to muscles, nerve, and tendons. This reduction of blood flow can cause back and neck pain as well as pain and numbness in other parts of the body.
But why do you hurt where you hurt? What is emotional connection to where you hurt?
Here are some answers:
• If you are really angry and cannot stand it anymore, your back, legs, knees, or feet may hurt and you have to lie down.
Conventional diagnosis: herniated disc, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, torn meniscus, and so on
• If you can’t go on anymore, your legs or knees begin to hurt. Your legs may even become numb.
Conventional diagnosis: pinched nerve, torn meniscus, chondromalacia patella
• When you are really angry but can’t talk back, your jaws begin to hurt or you may lose your voice.
Conventional diagnosis: TMJ, spasmodic dysphonia
• You can’t face it anymore. Your face begins to hurt..
Conventional diagnosis: trigeminal neuralgia, Bell's palsy
• You can’t handle it anymore. Your arms and hands start hurting and/or go numb.
Conventional diagnosis: repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, and so on
• It’s too much burden on you and you are really angry about it. Your neck and shoulders begin to hurt.
Conventional diagnosis: torn rotator cuff or bulging disc
• You can’t stomach it anymore. You get stomach ache or other digestive problems.
Conventional diagnosis: IBS, acid reflux, etc.
• You feel you are under attack by your boss or a relative. You want to hit back but can’t. Your shoulder, arm, elbow, or hand begins to hurt.
Conventional diagnosis: tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI, etc.
• You are sick and tired of seeing the problem. You become nearsighted or farsighted, depending on your perception:
1. If the future looks grim and you do not wish to look that far ahead, you might become nearsighted.
2. If you do not wish to see the problem in front of you, you might become farsighted.
Conventional diagnosis: myopia, hyperopia,
• You are so mad subconsciously that you feel like gnashing your teeth during the day. But you don't. You end up grinding your teeth in your sleep.
Conventional diagnosis: bruxism
• You are sick and tired of hearing it. Your mind drowns out the sound by producing its own sound in your ear.
Conventional diagnosis: tinnitus
• You view the tense situation as a real pain in the butt. You experience hip pain or sciatica.
Conventional diagnosis: osteoarthritis, tendinitis, labral tear, etc.
Of course, you need to seek medical advice and rule out physical causes, such as infection, cancer, diabetes, and so on, depending on your symptoms. However, once you make the connection between your symptoms and what's making you upset, you can follow The Nine-Step Rapid Recovery Plan to get well.